Pitzer College Posting Policy
The following information pertains to the posting of flyers, posters, banners, artwork, class projects etc. on the Pitzer College campus (excluding inside Residence Halls & Offices). Outdoor art, art benches and mural work proposals go through the Campus Aesthetics Committee, they can be contacted at aesthetics@86899805.com.
Any violation of these policies and procedures may result in the removal of your posting/artwork/display. Please direct any questions or concerns to the Campus Life Office, located in the Gold Student Center 200 or via email at campuslife@86899805.com. The posting policy can be found in the Pitzer Student Handbook.
Flyers that are part of official college business (i.e. Art Gallery events, TCCS postings, OBSA posters, CLSA posters, SHS posters, office and department sponsored events, etc.) do not require approval from Campus Life. Flyers with an official logo, header, footer, etc. from any official College office can be posted without an approval stamp. However, we do ask that postings include the information below and are posted in approved campus spaces.
Please contact the Campus Life Team at campuslife@86899805.com with a PDF copy of the posting to be approved/stamped. If your posting already has already been approved and stamped by another Claremont College, you do not need to obtain a Pitzer approval stamp from Campus Life.
ALL Postings must include:
Date, Time & Location | If the posting has no specific date/time (i.e. artwork, reoccurring club/org meetings) please include Fall/Spring semester (i.e. FA22, Fall 2022) or entire year (i.e. FY 22-23). There is no location requirement for non-events. |
Contact Information | You must provide a telephone number or email address where individuals can reach out for more information. |
Name of Sponsor | i.e. Organization, Club, Individual, Course Prefix |
Posting on Campus
DOs | DON'Ts |
You must use blue painter’s tape – available for free check-out in the Campus Life Office (Gold Student Center 200) APPROVED POSTINGS OK on Glass windows (NOT doors):
APPROVED POSTINGS OK on kiosk bulletin boards:
APPROVED POSTINGS OK on the following bulletin boards:
| DO NOT POST on ANY glass doors (including all residence halls) DO NOT POST on Painted doors (excludes residence hall suite/room doors) DO NOT POST on ANY painted walls DO NOT POST over other postings/artwork DO NOT POST on Pitzer College signs or emergency exit signs DO NOT POST on door opening devices DO NOT POST on rocks and plant life DO NOT POST on any walkways or floors DO NOT POST on the windows or walls of Benson Auditorium |